As we get further and further into the new year it seems like Christmas was ages ago. Thought I would show you the final pictures of my holiday spent in Michigan before too much time had passed. Here's a preview to what Santa had in store for us. I was a big girl this year and didn't sneak around and shake each gift to figure out what it was.
My Mom and Hallie bug.
After church, opening gifts.
My brother opening his gifts from me. How nice is that shirt and tie... what a lucky guy!
My parent's opening their joint give from my brother and I.

I think we did a pretty good job! Bought a wooden S and took pictures from when we were little until present day and glued them on with a clear gloss over. Looks pretty cool.
My Mom had large afghans made for each of us. My brother's was pieces of all his hockey jerseys.

Fresh holly.
Turkey dinner... yum! Also tried rabbit for the first time, it was awesome. Anyone else like rabbit?
Hallie REALLY liked the rabbit :)
We like to play games. A lot.
And we get pretty into it.
Dessert time. Apple crisp with whipped cream.
Best part of Christmas... no not my IPhone... family.
Hope all of your holidays were as merry as mine!
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